
2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on US Farmland in 20 Years

by arclein


The sheer volume is amazing and the majority is recent.  I wondered just how the frog populations are doing.  They are actually collapsing in conformance with our expectations regarding skin absorption of Round up. This also suggests that male fertility is on a sharp downward curve as well. It just has not been picked up yet.

 Add in the bee collapse and we are in the midst of a continental sized biological experiment applying aggressive environmental manipulation.  Most of the damage is not likely been seen either.  The Monarch butterfly collapse has been seen as well.

My point is that this is not an unlucky coincidence.  One outlier is an unlucky coincidence.  a changing ecosystem is enemy action and it is not the Russians.

2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on US Farmland in 20 Years

The Environmental Protection agency of California has just made moves to label Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, or Glyphosate, as a ‘probably carcinogenic to humans.’ It’s linked to cancer and heavily contaminates the soil, yet there is no sign that farmers will stop using this poison any time soon. In fact, over the last couple of decades, this chemical has seen an astonishing surge in use in the United States and across the world.
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), in the US alone in the years between 1992 and 2012, over 2.6 billion pounds of Roundup herbicide have been dumped onto America’s farmland and food supply. With the rise in GMO seed such as BT Corn and ‘Roundup Ready’ soy beans, glyphosate is becoming something farmers simply cannot avoid even if they wanted to.

So how badly are we poisoning ourselves with this stuff? Watch a time-lapse photo presentation of the spread of glyphosate across the United States in the last 2 decades.

Ongoing research into the effects of glyphosate on human health have determined that it can actually double the risk of developing cancer, yet it is still being used. The following chart shows us which US states are using the highest quantities of glysophate for farming:

Do Americans have a right to know if their food supply and environment is contaminated by carcinogenic Roundup? Yot bet they do, which is why government is doing everything it can to make sure that the truth does not see the light of day. Do your part in this fight against Monsanto by spreading the word and buying organic.

About arclein
Posted my paper introducing CLOUD COSMOLOGY & NEUTRAL NEUTRINO rigorously described, September 2010 I am pleased to report that my essay titled A NEW METRIC WITH APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICS AND SOLVING CERTAIN HIGHER ORDERED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS' has been published in Physics Essays(AIP) and appeared in their June 2010 quarterly. 40 years ago I took an honors degree in applied mathematics from the University of Waterloo. My interest was Relativity and my last year there saw me complete a 900 level course under Hanno Rund on his work in relativity,as well as differential geometry(pure math) and of course analysis. I continued researching new ideas and knowledge since that time and I have prepared a book for publication titled 'Paradigms Shift'. I maintain my blog as a day book and research tool to retain data and record impressions and interpretations on material read. Do join my blog and receive Four items of interest daily Monday through Saturday.

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