
Carly Fiorina: America’s Iron Lady

by Isaac Kight


Carly Fiorina is an inspiring Presidential candidate and Washington outsider who is a complete game changer for the GOP heading into 2016.

Carly Fiorina former Hewlett-Packard CEO

Citizen Carly

If you are unfamiliar with Carly Fiorina’s background consider watching this incredible video that will explain why Carly Fiorina is so beloved by her supporters. Carly fought her way up the corporate food chain in the tech industry. An innovator at AT&T’s male dominated network division, she excelled as a tech executive. When AT&T spun off that division as Lucent Technologies, she led the largest IPO in history at the time. Hewlett-Packard (HP), known unaffectionately at the time as Silicon Valley’s “Gray Lady,” due to its old business practices, narrow perspective, and lack of innovation, recruited Carly to run the company. Carly Fiorina was the first female CEO of a Fortune 20 company.

Over six years as CEO, she modernized the company and streamlined its processes, merged with Compaq, and opened several new markets for HP. She also tried to acquire  consultancy as well to expand HP’s markets and horizons, but the Board would not back her decision. Carly worked to keep the company afloat through the difficult Dot Bomb years. During her six-year tenure as CEO, longer than many other successful CEOs, the resistance to her innovative approach grew, and the listless and incoherent Board of Directors would ultimately dismiss her, a decision they would soon come to regret; firing several successive CEOs in short order thereafter.

After serving several altruistic causes, including the effort to fight poverty in the developing world, Carly would enter the realm of politics. Carly fought off breast cancer even as she ran for US Senate in the heavily Democrat leaning California, a losing prospect even for the best GOP candidate. Today, Carly presents one of the most dynamic and exciting candidacies for the Presidency in US history.

Margaret Thatcher arrives at Number 10 Downing Street 1979

The Iron Lady

In  1978 the United Kingdom (UK) was in turmoil. The Labour Party’s government had mismanaged the economy and the nation was in distress. Strikes, protests, and demonstrations were frequent. The winter of 1978-79 is often referred to as the “winter of discontent.” The Conservative Party (the Tories) was in utter disarray. They had weak leadership, no message, and no agenda to press with voters. How could they compete? Some believed it the beginning of the end of the good and prosperous days of the United Kingdom. One incredible Lady refused to accept this verdict.

A bright, tough, and indefatigable woman stepped forward: Margret Thatcher. “Maggie” would lead the Tories to victory in 1979 elections and would be the central figure in British Politics for more than a decade. At the time it was thought that women would make poor national leaders because they would prove too soft. As Prime Minister (PM) Maggie Thatcher put that charge to shame. She brushed aside less competent male competitors for the leadership and took a hard stance against her political opponents. Mrs. Thatcher would go on to trounce Argentinian dictator Juan Peron after he invaded the British-held Falkland Islands. Her tenure as PM proved to be a complete asservation of female national leadership. Maggie truly earned her moniker: the “Iron Lady.”

America’s current condition mirrors that of the UK in the late 70’s. Our economy is stagnant, optimism about the future is at an all-time ebb, and there is disquiet in every sector. Many Americans fear that our nation’s best days are behind us. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the leaders of Iran, and Islamic State have neither fear nor respect for the United States. The current administration has spurned America’s allies, including Israel and several Arab states. Even now as troube stirs in the Balkans, the administration shows nothing but indifference. Unwilling to take on our country’s enemies directly, the administration has allowed Russia to expand its sphere of influence beyond Eastern Europe into the Middle East.

America is deep in debt with a structural deficit. Entitlement spending is set to explode even as the labor force is shrinking. Over 93 million Americans are out of work. About 1 in 3 Millennials live with their parents and have few prospects for employment. We Millennials are the generation whose labors must pay for the cost of retirement and care for a large and long-lived generation of Baby Boomers. An entire generation has all but lost hope of ever prospering, owning a home, or venturing into entrepreneurship. America needs an Iron Lady.

America’s Iron Lady

It is interesting how Carly’s detractors attempt to dismiss her out of hand. They will attack her business record, mention her loss in a doomed Senate campaign, but cannot escape her accomplishments. Some say she needs to hold an elective office first before she will be qualified to run for President. First of all, the people who have worked their way up the political ladder are the ones who drove our nation $20 Trillion into debt. It is also the case that among the top-polling candidates for the GOP nomination, most are political outsiders. It would seem that Republican voters are eager to see a nominee who comes from outside that particular clique of politicians. The elephant to which these detractors are apparently oblivious, is that the very subject of the conversation, and the fact that it is taking place, is why Carly Fiorina is a superb candidate. Carly is not a billionaire with national name recognition. She is not from a powerful political family. She is neither a Governor (or former governor) nor a Senator. How has she risen to national fame?

In the first debate on Fox News she was relegated to the minor league debate cast. Through the sheer power of her performance, eloquence, and presence she thrust herself into the national consciousness and began to rise in the polls. Despite every effort to exclude her, Carly made the major league team on the CNN debate. From there she launched herself into the top three nationally. The fact that anyone knows, cares, or bothers to discuss Carly Fiorina, demonstrates her talent. Carly is indefatigable and unstoppable. You cannot hold this woman down! This is precisely the “je ne sais quoi” (a characteristic that defies description) the GOP has lacked in its candidates of late. The GOP has not won a non-incumbent Presidential race since 1988 in the popular vote. It will take charisma and personality to win the Presidency in 2016. Carly Fiorina has these characteristics, which is why she stands head and shoulders above the crowd of candidates. There has not been a candidate of Carly Fiorina’s caliber for some time. Republicans today have a unique opportunity to nominate a fighter, a survivor, and an eloquent leader who can lead the party to victory once again.

Carly is an articulate leader who can speak with authority and strength in a way that is comprehensible to average Americans. Carly has drawn significant attention to Planned Parenthood and their sale of organs from aborted babies. It cannot be okay for supposed women’s health facilities that are backed by federal dollars to be unsanitary and to jeopardize the health of the very women they purport to serve. Carly can make that case effectively. The same is true of the case for less government, greater flexibility in policy-making for the states, and in a strong and vibrant private sector that does not feel pressured to earn for themselves no-bid government contracts in order to remain profitable. Carly can reach the voters and drive the conservative agenda.

In the last several elections, the Obama campaign and the Democrat Party have run with the notion of a war on women. They claim that the GOP is going after women’s rights and access to healthcare. Not only is this specious, it is a strategy that will fall entirely flat with Carly leading the charge for the GOP. A woman who made a name for herself and who speaks with experience on women’s issues will be quite immune to this tactic. Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton is already using this tack with her male opponents for the Democrat Party nomination, we can expect to hear much more of such spin in the general election. 

Carly on the Campaign Trail

Carly on the Issues

Foreign Policy is one of Carly’s many strengths. As the CEO of a multi-national corporation, Carly met with many world leaders at various levels. As a business leader she is experienced in negotiation and conflict resolution. She knows when to stand firm and hold out for a better offer. Carly served as a defense consultant on high tech security matters and has already helped to improve our nation’s cyber security. She has also demonstrated a firm grasp of defense policy by pressing for the rebuilding of the US 6th Fleet to counter Russia, and has called for an increase in the number of Army combat divisions. Being prepared for conflict is the best way to avoid one. Other candidates are way behind these details still pondering, for example, weather to meet with Putin to try to work out a deal. Why would Putin want a deal? He has the position of power. Carly understands that until this tyrant is shown the might and force of will of the American people he will not back down.

Carly has experience with education, having initiated programs at HP to expand technology learning in schools especially among the under-privileged. She knows the value of modern, high tech, and results-driven education techniques. Carly advocates, first and foremost, that Washington DC needs to stop dictating education policy to the states. Common Core, which she describes as a racket, is just such a mechanism of federal control. States were offered increased funds in exchange for the adoption of the disastrous Common Core curriculum. Desperate for money, many states signed on. Instead, Carly argues, states need the freedom to pursue and implement programs that work. Federal involvement in education has only lowered education results and reduced learning. Healthcare, environmental regulation, spending mandates on the states—there are a number of ways in which the Federal government has become a detriment to our society by involving itself where it is not needed.

Carly 2016

The Republican Party today is caught in a tug of war between an entrenched political class and a voter base increasingly disillusioned with the party. These voters want a candidate with fight and vigor. Someone who stand for conservative principals and use public pressure to cow the Washington establishment into enacting policies for the benefit of common, hard working people. The GOP needs a candidate who is accomplished, articulate, and who can connect with voters.

The nominee in 2016 will face the unique challenge of having to unite the party and inspiring a large number of apathetic voters who have sat out several elections to return to the polls. The candidate will also have to reach out to centrist and voters with a conservative message. A candidate who can articulate the benefits of conservative policy making: national strength, prosperity, and freedom of choice. Carly can easily accomplish all of these and bring the desperately needed victory for the GOP and for average Americans who are suffering in this stagnant economy.

About Isaac Kight
Isaac Kight earned his MBA at Bar-Ilan University in 2010. He served as a volunteer for the Knesset State Control Committee from 2009 to 2010. Isaac has a broad experience of Jewish community and religion in the US and Israel.  He can be reached at Facebook or Twitter.

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