by Stephanie Ross
Following the 2012 firestorm caused by Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy stating that he believed in traditional marriage, Cathy and Chick-fil-A have quietly been changing their tune. In 2012, Cathy told the Baptist Press that he was "guilty as charged" when it came to his beliefs that the only marriage was a traditional marriage. Chick-fil-A then suffered through many protests and communities telling them to get out because of Cathy's statements.
But Charisma News is reporting that Chick-fil-A is sponsoring a faith-based LGBT film festival called Level Ground. Another Christian news organization, Now The End Begins, says that Level Ground is just another part of the LGBT Mafia. "The LGBT Mafia is making a full-court press for their case that God accepts actively, out of the closet homosexuals and homosexuality," one of NTEB's writier Geoffrey Grider says.
For their part, Level Ground states that they are "working to create a more peaceful and redemptive conversation specifically about faith, gender, and sexuality. A conversation that can bring us back together. A conversation that puts people before ideology. And because we believe this kind of dialogue is an art, we use art to create it."
Grider specifically calls out Cathy and wants to him to "explain why he is using the Chick-Fil-A name and brand his father started to promote a Sodomite film festival." Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy passed away on September 9, 2014. In fact, Grider goes further and scolds Cathy saying, "Shame on you, Dan Cathy. Christian Americans stood by you and Chick-Fil-A every step of the way back in 2012 when you were persecuted for taking a stand for Jesus Christ. But we will not stand with you on this. No sir. One of my favorite places to get lunch is at one of your restaurants, but that can and will change."
Cathy, in response said, "Every leader goes through different phases of maturity, growth and development and it helps by (recognizing) the mistakes that you make. And you learn from those mistakes. If not, you're just a fool. I'm thankful that I lived through it and I learned a lot from it."
Just this past summer, Chick-fil-A donated food to a gay pride parade in Iowa.
The Level Ground sponsor kit claims that 80 percent of attendees identify as some form of Christian, and they quote prophetic verses to show how their mission is Biblically centered. Grider, however, claims that Level Ground and their workers are not Christians but false teachers.
Let’s not kid ourselves, the Level Ground people have one agenda, the promotion of the “Love Gospel”. What is the Love Gospel, you ask? Simply put, it is a perverted brand of “christianity” that only focuses on the love of God, and leaves out everything having to do with sin and judgment. The Love Gospel states that because the Bible says that “God is love”, then everything and everyone must be accepted. You have to accept same-sex marriage, transgender, cross-dressing, whatever and however you can mash it all up together into one, big melting pot. Come as you are and stay that way. No judgment based on Bible truths, no Holy Spirit discernment, love is all and all is love. Rinse, lather and repeat until your brain is fully washed.
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